Moving to a new blog…

29 08 2010

A good internet friend of mine has graciously decided to lend me some hosting space so I can have a more customizable blog, w00t!

Everyone, thanks for visiting, and I’ll see you on:

Although it’s no longer 2009….

22 08 2010

I am in fact back in Japan!  If there’s anyone hanging around that still visits.  Get ready for more of my exciting adventures throughout Japan 😛 and amazing culture shock examples!  If you’re still coming and you’re still reading, please do drop me a comment.

Restarting the blog in…. a few days!

Kyoto Round 3!

1 09 2009

I’m actually back in Canada at this point, but before I left I met with a good high school buddy to do a more scenic tour of Kyoto than I had before.

I visited more historical and cultural attractions this time than all the previous times put together! So this is back to the usual Japanese culture filled posts :).  Click on for more sights and sounds straight from Kyoto!

Shrine at the end of the Philosopher's Path

Shrine at the end of the Philosopher's Path

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Farewells and Good Byes

28 08 2009

Heya everyone,
It’s been a remarkably short 7 months.  I can’t believe my work term is over already :O.  It’s time to get ready to head back to Toronto.  I guess it’s good timing as my blog has been winding down quite a bit too in terms of views.  Hopefully, I’ve accomplished something significant during that time.

Gifts I received and not quite sure how to bring home

Gifts I received and not quite sure how to bring home

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Odaiba Gundam

25 08 2009

I went to meet up with a friend the other day in the hopes of easing his culture shock.  It was a complete disaster as I was late and he got on the wrong train and we failed at meeting up.

Gundam in the Evening

Gundam in the Evening

However, we did manage to see one thing together, the Gundam.  There’s been like 10 bazillion shots of this thing already, but I thought I might as well add mine to the pool.

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Super quick preview~ Gundam!

24 08 2009

Sorry, I don’t have much to post today due to a lack of time, but I did see something today that was pretty special, at least to me.   I know most of you have probably seen this pictures from multiple sources already, but I thought I’d put my limited photography skills to the test and take a few pictures that would stand out.

My attempt at a good Gundam Picture

My attempt at a good Gundam Picture

Sorry, just one picture for now.  I need to fix my chronic hard disk space problem.  Yes yes, delete the porn I know the jokes :P.

Izumi Konata’s House

20 08 2009

Sorry, I haven’t been posting recently, but I’ve been super busy finishing up the work that was left to me after Obon.  I do have yet another post about travel :D.  This time it’s the Isumi Konata house in Satte, Saitama.  It’s a recently opened “tourist attraction” where the district is attempting to draw anime fans and their spending to the area by refurbishing a house in a manner that is consistent with Isumi Konata’s house from Lucky Star.  If you are a Lucky Star fan that’s planning on going, I strongly suggest you bring someone with you that knows Japanese.

The taxi driver was lost, but once I saw the mailbox I knew we were there.

The taxi driver was lost, but once I saw the mailbox I knew we were there.

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Comiket 76 Reflections

17 08 2009

For those who don’t know, Comiket takes place twice every year and is the largest anime/manga related expo in the world.  It’s set up like a market place where booths sell large amounts of goods, commerical and indie ones.  It takes place at the Tokyo Big Sight in Odaiba, Tokyo from 10AM-4PM on for three days.  It draws around 550,000 participants, so it is not to be underestimated.  I have never seen bigger lines in my life.

I guess I’ll  provide a bit of a brief article on Comiket 76 and my experience to hopefully help out other people who are heading there without experience to make this more interesting.

The line at 12:45AM

The line at 12:45AM

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15 08 2009

I just got back from the first day of Comiket 76, and I’m absolutely exhausted.   I’ll write a few things about that later, but for now just a short update and time for some much needed rest.DSC_2689

Today’s dinner was a rather interestingly made yakisoba.  I had this at the Odaiba Aquamall food court.  Yakisoba is really just simply fried noodles with fried beef, pork, or some other meat along with copious amounts of green onions and Japanese mayonnaise.   Simple, but YUM~!

Survived an earthquake, heading to Tokyo

11 08 2009

As the title says, I’m heading to Tokyo for a few days to meet up with Yukito and Rin from Hopefully I’ll be able to post while I’m there.

In the mean time, I’m getting ready for massive delays because the earthquake in Shizuoka destroyed a number of highways and caused landslides in areas already soaked by typhoon rains.